About Stanford Data Science
In the decades to come, our ability to advance discovery, create new knowledge, and provide insights that suggest solutions to the world’s most pressing problems will increasingly rely on our ability to learn from data.
Stanford Data Science (SDS) convenes a community of the world’s best data scientists with scholars and practitioners from diverse fields who rely on accurate, dependable, large data sets and modern data science techniques to advance their work.
At SDS, research, application, and education thrive in a mutually supportive culture by cross-pollinating ideas, questions, and solutions among engineering, business, the humanities, law, medicine, natural sciences, social sciences, and sustainability experts. Together we are developing new methods, revealing fresh insights, and educating the next generation of leaders and citizens who will harness data science and benefit from its responsible application.
Stanford Data Science Goals
The goal of Stanford Data Science is to enable data-driven discovery at scale and expand data science education — across Stanford and beyond.
To achieve our goals, we are investing in: