Event Details:
Stanford Wildfire Management Plan
Scott Conway
Vibrant Planet
Tania Treis
Panorama Environmental, Inc.
Jessica von Borck
Stanford Land Use Planning
Aaron McCarthy
Stanford Environmental Health and Safety
Stanford recently completed a Wildfire Management Plan. The plan defines a program of strategic wildland fuels and fire management based on sound science and state-of-the-art risk modeling. When implemented, the plan should substantially reduce fire hazards on Stanford’s lands. A comprehensive process was undertaken to define the plan, including:
- Identifying high fire-hazard areas using modeling techniques;
- Identifying important resources and assets on Stanford’s lands for protection;
- Defining and prioritizing vegetation management treatments to protect the most at-risk resources;
- Coordinating fuels management activities with Stanford functions;
- Coordinating with adjacent jurisdictions and communities on fuel management activities in neighboring areas; and
- Including ways to identify and incorporate new technologies and methods of fuel management over time to maximize program efficiency.
This presentation will provide an overview of the process that was undertaken, including the modeling approach, will describe implementation work underway, and will discuss the methods for continued management of the land using mapping and technology.
For seminar information, please contact Derek Fong at dfong@stanford.edu
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