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Graduate School of Education

Ben Stenhaug

Ben majored in statistics, economics, and mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Following college, Ben taught high school math at Warren Early College High School in Warrenton, North Carolina as part of Teach for America. He then worked for nearly 3 years at Khan Academy on math content (everything from middle school to AP Calculus) that is still used by millions of students worldwide.

Motivated by the possibility of leveraging the explosion of educational data gathered by organizations like Khan Academy, Ben joined the Stanford Graduate School of Education as a PhD student in 2016. His research focuses on (a) developing and applying statistical methodologies for detecting and removing bias from educational assessments and (b) model comparison between a variety of psychometric models.

Along the way, he has received an extraordinary data science education thanks to Stanford’s Master’s Program in Statistics and the Stanford Data Lab in particular. Ben is a 2018 Data Science For Social Good fellow and helped to found Stanford’s Data Science for Social Good Program. Through these experiences, he has become fascinated with teaching data science.
