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Stanford Data Science Inaugural Conference - April 5th

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Join Stanford Data Science for our first Stanford-wide event. This day-long conference provides an occasion for faculty, scholars, and students working on a variety of aspects of data science to come together to increase our sense of community and shared intellectual goals. The day includes panels, presentations, and short talks that offer participants the opportunity to learn from one another and discuss the future of data science and its application in stimulating new discoveries.

We will wrap up the day with a reception and poster session from our PhD student Data Science Scholars and Postdoctoral Data Science Fellows.



09:30 – 09:45     Opening Remarks
Emmanuel Candès, Faculty Director, SDS

09:45 – 10:45     Keynote
Emery Brown, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

10:45 – 11:00     ***Break***

11:00 – 12:15     Lightning Talks:
                           Sandrine Dudoit, Guido Imbens, Jure Leskovec, Fiorenza Micheli

12:15 – 13:15     ***Lunch***

Meet the Data Science Centers on: Open Science; Causal Inference; Sustainability; & Medical Data (coming soon!)

01:15 – 01:45     Open Discussion:    SDS Faculty leadership and center directors

01:45 – 03:00     Lightning Talks:       
                           Brad Efron, Mark Hansen, Phil Marshall, Heidi Williams

03:00 – 03:30     ***Break***

03:30 – 04:45     Panel:    "How to increase trust in data science".

Moderator: Chiara Sabatti, Panelists: David Donoho, Sherri Rose, Debra Satz, James Zou

04:45 – 05:00     Closing Session

05:00 – 06:30     Reception / Poster Session

Data Science PhD student Scholars and Postdoctoral Fellows

All Speakers

Headshot of Emery Brown

Emery N. Brown website

Warren M. Zapol Professor of Anaesthesia at Harvard Medical School in the Department of Anesthesia
Critical Care and Pain Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston &  Edward Hood Taplin Professor of Medical Engineering in the Institute for Medical Engineering and Science
Professor of Computational Neuroscience, Picower Institute for Learning and Memory both at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Headshotof Emmanuel Candes

Emmanuel Candès website

The Barnum-Simons Chair in Mathematics and Statistics
Professor of Mathematics and of Statistics
Professor of Electrical Engineering (by courtesy)
Faculty Director of Stanford Data Science

Headshot of David Donoho

David Donoho website

Anne T. And Robert M. Bass Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences
Professor of Statistics

Sandrine Dudoit headshot

Sandrine Dudoit website

Professor and Chair, Department of Statistics
Professor, Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health
University of California, Berkeley


Brad Efron headshot

Brad Efron website

Professor of Statistics, Emeritus, School of Humanities and Sciences
Professor of Biomedical Data Science, Emeritus, Stanford School of Medicine


Mark Hansen headshot

Mark Hansen website

David and Helen Gurley Brown Professor of Journalism and Innovation
Director, David and Helen Gurley Brown Institute of Media Innovation
Columbia University


Guido Imbens headshot

Guido Imbens website

Applied Econometrics Professor and Professor of Economics, Stanford Graduate School of Business
Professor in Economics, School of Humanities and Sciences
Director, SDS Stanford Causal Science Center (SC²)

Headshot of Jure Leskovec

Jure Leskovec website

Asscociate Professor of Computer Science, School of Engineering
Senior Advisor / Co-Founder of Stanford Data Science

Headshot of Phil Marshall

Phil Marshall website

Senior Scientist, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Stanford University

Fiorenza Micheli headshot

Fiorenza Micheli website

David And Lucile Packard Professor of Marine Science, Hopkins Marine Station, School of Humanities and Sciences

Sherri Rose headshot

Sherri Rose website

Associate Professor of Health Policy (PCOR), Stanford School of Medicine


Chiara Sabatti headshot

Chiara Sabatti website

Professor of Biomedical Data Science, Stanford School of Medicine
Professor of Statistics in the School of Humanities and Sciences
Associate Director, Stanford Data Science

Debra Satz headshot

Debra Satz website

Vernon R. And Lysbeth Warren Anderson Dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences
The Marta Sutton Weeks Professor Of Ethics In Society
Professor, by courtesy, of Political Science

Heidi Williams headshot

Heidi Williams website »

Charles R. Schwab Professor Of Economics, School of Humanities and Sciences
Professor, by courtesy, Of Law

James Zou headshot

James Zou website

Assistant Professor Of Biomedical Data Science, Stanford School of Medicine
by courtesy, of Computer Science and of Electrical Engineering
Director, (upcoming) SDS center on medical data