FAIROS RCN: FAIR Facilities & Instruments
This research coordination network (RCN) will advance the standardization and adoption of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) for research facilities and instruments nationally. PIDs are widely seen as foundational to open science in that PIDs uniquely identify various entities in the research ecosystem. While many categories of PIDs have come a long way in terms of standardization and adoption (examples: DOIs for publications, ORCIDs for researchers), this project is focused on the need to advance the standardization and adoption of PIDs for other categories of entities in the research ecosystem which have not progressed as far, namely for research facilities and instruments. The scientific communities which this RCN will support include the biomedical sciences, the geosciences, informatics, and many or most other scientific fields which utilize specialized facilities and equipment in the research process.
RCN Homepage: https://ncar.github.io/FAIR-Facilities-Instruments/

This multi-institution Research Collaboration Network (RCN) is funded by the National Science Foundation.
“The NSF Solicitation 22-553 for FAIROS RCN supports groups of investigators to communicate, innovate, coordinate, and standardize research practices, training, and educational activities across disciplinary, organizational, geographic, and international boundaries to achieve the goals of FAIR and other open-science guiding principles. The inaugural awards in NSF’s Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable, Open Science Research Coordination Networks (FAIROS RCN) program represent a pooled investment of over $12.5 million in open science from all directorates comprising NSF. This program is particularly unique given that the 10 projects are composed of 28 distinct NSF awards representing many organizations and institutions in the United States seeking to advance open-science efforts.”
--Association of Research Libraries (ARL)

The Stanford lead for this RCN is Claudius Mundoma, Director of Shared Instrumentation Facilities in the Office of the Vice Provost and Dean of Research.
RCN Members
- Andrew Johnson: Associate Professor and Lead for Data and Scholarly Communication Services in the Center for Research Data and Digital Scholarship at the University of Colorado Boulder Libraries
- Renaine Julian: Head STEM librarian at Florida State University Libraries.
- Matt Mayernik: Project Scientist and Research Data Services Specialist in the NCAR/UCAR Library
- Matthew Murray: Data Librarian at the Center for Research Data and Digital Scholarship at University of Colorado Boulder Libraries
- Aditya Ranganath: Data librarian at the Center for Research Data and Digital Scholarship (CRDDS) at the University of Colorado Boulder Libraries
- Greg Stossmeister: Manager of the Data Management & Services Facility at the NCAR Earth Observing Laboratory (EOL)